Why Chen's


Forth Principle: Listen: Body leads the hand

Speculation along the lines of Synesthesia and listening leads to the same objective Chen's teachers have in mind but cannot explain scientifically. An important centering and alignment technique is allowing the body to position itself before the hand reaches its position in a movement. Still, it has a deeper function of sensitizing the skin uniquely.

Having achieved a visible degree of emptiness and relaxation, listening using body leads the hand begins work on the integumentary system. The objective is to strengthen the structure of the loose connective tissue:

"Loose connective tissue includes reticular and dense connective tissue, also known as fibrous tissue, subdivided into dense regular and irregular connective tissue.

Dense regular connective tissue, found in structures such as tendons and ligaments, is characterized by collagen fibers arranged in an orderly parallel fashion, giving it tensile strength in one direction. Dense irregular connective tissue provides strength in multiple directions through dense bundles of fibers arranged in all directions."

Slow stretching and turning work on these deeper Loose levels of the skin, making them stronger to the point where an individual can take a fall or blow without injury due to the development of Elastin protein and Elastic Recoil, but more on this in the Push hand section.