As our world becomes smaller, more compact, miniaturized, and efficient, oppressive forces threaten a type of slavery never before experienced in human history: global oligarchy. And quite frankly, none of us are ready for the demands for obedience placed on the public. Nor are we prepared for the plutocrats who will quickly seize control, as they have already done in many parts of the world.
Only in medieval serfdom of Europe or the peasantry of feudal China did any system of government approximate what is presently happening in the modern world. It was under these oppressive conditions, at least in China, that martial arts served a valuable function for the common people. The hidden wisdom within its training, teaching how to make your opponent 'hit empty' and how to behave when confronting forces more powerful than your own, is what makes martial arts, and Taiji especially, an essential part of a family person's education. Understanding this historical context enlightens us about the origins and evolution of martial arts.
First, let's delve into a little background...
To understand the psychology involved in practicing martial arts, it's necessary to explain the saying shown here.
The saying, 'On behalf of Heaven, walk path,' encapsulates the essence of martial arts and its role in social justice. It emphasizes fighting for justice and righteousness, a principle deeply ingrained in martial arts practice. Its significance lies in the depth of its meaning and its profound role in promoting social justice.
The saying has a long and storied history, much of which has been misused. Misrepresentation and distortion began 1,500 years ago when a Buddhist priest and an empress regent proclaimed themselves Maitreya, the Future Buddha.