Why Chen's


Principle:  Intention: Listen: Steal Step: Stable

The name "steal step" is again deceptive. What is being "stolen" is either distance to the target, continued contact, or both. In doing so, stabilization again comes into play. Sifu Chen was obsessed with practicing correct foot placement: " When the foot is down, it stays down." He did not want you to cheat by moving your feet around. His instruction tested the student's ability to follow, in this case, verbal instruction that would later translate into "following" physical movements.

In this context, stabilization means placing the feet in the correct location without "searching" for it. Concealing a change in position through stealing a step is of the utmost importance but must be achieved without leaning on the other player. Sifu Chen taught that the ability to seal position was crucial in push-hands and fighting, and proper foot placement and shifting of weight avoided "telegraphing" your intention through the points of contact.