Why Chen's


Principle:  Relax:  Eight Energies

In Chen Taiji, energy is created through the interplay of eight distinct energy types: inflate, divert, press, undermine, cut off, spiral, poke, and crowd. These types build the body for health and emotional and psychological well-being and restructure the student's perspective.

Since Chen Taiji is a trap that continues to cut off an opponent's escape, the Nine Cages, the Eight Energies are the stratagems used to emotionally and psychologically defend against anger, selfishness, and manipulation. Sifu's lectures were intended to reshape his students' psychological makeup.

The energies felt in class were to be used in business negotiations, personal conflicts, and everyday life. If someone pressed you, you diverted them. When confronted with an inflated ego, poke fun at them. The Eight Energies were a series of cunning sensory tactics and intuitive feeling strategies serving as a guide for outsmarting opponents. Fortunately, I had the advantage of a martial Chinese wife, who, in her way, reinforced Sifu's psychological shift.