Why Chen's


Principle:  Stabilization; Elastic Recoil

Using a combination of one- and two-hand push-hand patterns, students are forced into their legs as advanced, and sometimes, the teacher applies slow, continuous power. Students are challenged to maintain contact and accept the force while sustaining stabilization. A slight force is applied initially, but it gradually increases over time. By stretching connective tissue, these exercises build up elastic recoil in the body, legs, and contact points.

At first, the push-hands are done stationary to ensure that students have the proper level of stabilization; however, once this is confirmed, "walking" is introduced, such as the two-person set and Tai Lu, a movement pattern comprised primarily of deflect, push, shave, and crowding energies. At this point in the training, Sifu Chen demanded control; the student was to avoid issuing the power back and rebounding.

Instead, elastic recoil would be maintained while in motion, essentially increasing the length of time the loose connective tissues could remain elongated. This, in turn, strengthened them and stored kinetic energy to be released when the rebound was called for.

Plus, Sifu always noted that it wasn't a one-way feed. These types of practices benefited both players.