Principle: Lose: Show the Door
In Chinese culture, a person's departure from a home or business has certain formalities. They are walked to the door as they leave. This idea has found its way into Chen's Taiji practice for health and self-defense. For health, it is an idiom for showing them the door.
In this case, the door to proficiency is about getting out of one's way, getting the ego out of the way so that the "armor" needed to practice Chen's martial aspect can be acquired. Chen's "rough" nature requires the body to be able to take a fall or a blow.
However, an ego that must always win works against allowing another to deliver either. They cannot permit it to happen, and by fighting it, they tense up, which leads to injury.
The door that opens with losing to win for health concerns intimacy: Can the student " give themself" to the moving energies? Can they enable and allow unconscious movement? It's a degree of relaxation where egotistic thinking, which is very slow compared to an unconscious reaction, gets out of the way.
It's the degree of commitment necessary for receiving the gift of Chen's armor.